Erik's Fish & Chips Wanaka 瓦纳卡埃里克炸鱼薯条
简介:炸鱼薯条是您在新西兰一定要品尝的传统新西兰美食。 埃里克炸鱼薯条有各种美味的新西兰海鲜供您挑选:蓝鳕鱼、青口、生蚝和鱿鱼。 我店色彩明快,乐趣十足,还提供特色甜点,如“世界上唯一的油炸猕猴桃”。 您可以选择在美丽的湖边、我们的户外座位或内部用餐拖车上享用美食。 我们提供配有图片中文菜单,方便您在我们的拖车或网站上点餐。 我们期待您的光临。 Fish and Chips are a traditional New Zealand food you must try while you are in New Zealand. Erik’s Fish and Chips provide a delicious range of New Zealand seafood for you to enjoy, blue cod, mussels, oysters and calamari in a fun and colourful location. We have some treats, for example, the “worlds only deep fried kiwifruit”. You can enjoy eating down by the beautiful lake, in our outside seating, or our inside dining trailer. We have our menu in Chinese with pictures so it is easy for you to choose at our trailer or on our website. We look forward to seeing you.
  • 详细地址: 54 Ardmore Street, Wanaka, 9305